
I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to:

My supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Charles O. Sowerwine, whose intellectual rigour, professional integrity and personal warmth made this thesis possible.

My associate supervisor, Prof. Peter McPhee, for his generous enthusiasm and insightful comments.

The subject of this thesis, Renaud, for his hospitality, a wealth of primary sources and frank, reflective responses to my sometimes obtuse questions.

The University of Melbourne and its administrative staff for providing me with a Melbourne Research Scholarship.

My family and friends for their steadfast encouragement and support: in particular, Kerry Cannon, for editorial advice and for being the most resonant of sounding-boards; Sarah Cannon, for numerous and invaluable reference books; Patrick Cannon, for all manner of technical support; and Michael Cannon for providing me with a computer.

Dr. George Christie, Dr. Ann Morgan and Dr. Josephine Beatson for their wisdom and compassion.

